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Walking in the Footsteps of Your French-Canadian Ancestors: Montreal


Walking in the Footsteps of Your French-Canadian Ancestors: Montreal

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Walking in the Footsteps of Your French-Canadian Ancestors: Montreal


Tracing your French-Canadian heritage or planning a historically meaningful trip to Montreal? Walking in the Footsteps of Your French-Canadian Ancestors: Montreal is your essential genealogy travel companion to help you connect with your family's past. 

This comprehensive PDF guide takes you beyond typical tourist attractions to the authentic places where your ancestors lived their daily lives. Discover historic churches, cemeteries, archives, and neighbourhoods that shaped your family's story in New France and beyond.

Inside, you’ll find:

Sites that commemorate our Filles du roi and voyageur ancestors

Museum highlights, including Pointe-à-Callière, Maison Saint-Gabriel, and Château Ramezay

History-focused events worth attending

Step-by-step guidance on locating commemorative plaques and monuments dedicated to your ancestors

Advice on researching at the Archives nationales à Montréal

Much more!

Whether you're an experienced family historian or just beginning to explore your French-Canadian roots, this guide transforms Montreal from a tourist destination into a meaningful ancestral homeland experience.

📥 Download now and start planning your French-Canadian journey!

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