“Ce n’est peut-être pas quelque chose qui nous vient à l’esprit chaque jour, d’où nous venons ou d’où viennent nos racines. Kim élimine toutes les suppositions de ce processus pour vous. Kim est la personne la plus dévouée à son métier, elle pose avec la plus grande diligence les bonnes questions pour vous fournir les informations dont vous avez besoin. Elle le fait avec beaucoup de passion et de curiosité. C’est incroyable ce qu’elle a pu trouver sur mes racines. Elle a la curiosité de toujours vouloir en savoir plus.”
“Many grow up today unaware of their family history. In my case, distance and divorce were the culprits. I come from a single-parent family; my mother raised my brother and I well below the poverty line. She lacked the means and energy to connect us to our ancestry, to teach us about where we had come from, what our ancestors had overcome, etc. Her focus was survival. I had no idea how my family had landed in Canada, when/where that had occurred or what they had done to make a living. What were their names?
The gift that Kim gave me through her incredible work was a first connection to my lineage, one that really struck a chord emotionally given that my wife and I were growing our own family at that time. I learned more from Kim’s report than I had from any family member over my 30+ years, and this gave me a sense of roots that I had never experienced before.
I promptly shared Kim’s report with my grandmother. Now in her 90s, her memory had faded. Our family tree and the chronology of Kim’s report triggered memories of the relationships and bonds that she had experienced. She began to recall with joy her aunts, uncles, even her cousins, long forgotten, one of whom I learned was named Estelle, the very name we had selected for our daughter! That day and the impact it had on us both is one that I’ll cherish forever.
So thank you, Kim!
Your work is a precious keepsake for us, always.”
“When I started diving heavily into my French-Canadian roots, I did a lot of web searches and kept running into tfcg.ca (The French-Canadian Genealogist). I always assumed it was a giant organization working to preserve the culture. Recently, my uncle found Kim to help with translating the marriage contract of my 8th-great grandparents. When 1 and 1 were put together, we learned that Kim is The French-Canadian Genealogist and wrote the tfcg.ca website. I’ve since noticed that whenever I do Google searches for info on French-Canadian history, I end up at her site and the stories are so perfectly told and relevant. I’ve also used her for other translations on family documents (which she helped me find) which are done quickly and delivered in a very helpful and readable way.
When I was ready to take my family on a trip to visit Montreal and Quebec to see many of the sites in person, Kim was a huge resource helping me figure out where to go and what to focus my time on. The trip was a great success.
I highly recommend Kim for any facet of your French-Canadian interests needing assistance! ”
“Kim produced the full list of my ancestral line through 11 generations, all the way from the first arrivals in the 17th century (which I already had through another source). But what was great was all the extras! There were multiple pages detailing the lives of my first ancestors in New France, all based on historical documents like newspaper clippings, notarized wills, census records, etc. The fact that she was able to find a will from 1720, translate and contextualize it is really amazing. My wife and I were absolutely thrilled to have this documented and are looking forward to sharing this with our children when they’re old enough!”
“Kim Kujawski, The French-Canadian Genealogist, was a tremendous help in transcribing and translating several documents for me, including a marriage contract, several parish entries and two French death certificates. She helped clarify and answer the many questions I had while researching a particular elusive ancestor. Kim went above and beyond by locating the death records of an ancestor - finding him in a French military hospital in Madrid, thereby solving the mystery of what happened to him when he disappeared from the Montreal area around 1791. Her fees were reasonable for the work performed, which was timely and extremely professional. I will definitely reach out to her again for future help in my French Canadian genealogy research.”
“Kim made the journey of connecting with my ancestors so simple. Not only did she gather information on my family but she gave them a voice to tell their story while carefully weaving each generation into the next. By including copies of birth, marriage and death certificates she has helped track the movement of my family through centuries and has helped me establish and better understand potential genetic health risks.
Through Kim’s diligent work, I learned that my Great Grandfather had been the editor and owner of the first francophone newspaper in the maritime provinces in the late 1870s. She uncovered the roots of his journalistic calling as well as his service and deep devotion to the Acadian people of that time and the legacy that he left behind.
She works meticulously to fact check and reference her findings. She places such care and importance on each piece of family history that you’d swear she’s charting her own family’s lineage.”
“I highly recommend The French Canadian Genealogist for their in-depth, source cited, quick, and cost efficient research. I look forward to working with them in the future.”
“I never made learning about my family history a priority, but once I read what Kim created for me I wished I had done it sooner! It has had a grounding effect on me and I’m proud to learn about the role my family played in building Canada into what it has become. Now I realize I’ve walked in places they lived and I would have had a different perspective had I known.
It was a very fun process, like watching a movie’s storyline unfold but this one’s about your own history. I never knew I had roots in the U.S., England or Scotland! Kim loves to find the interesting quirks of one’s family. Not only their name and where they lived but what brought them there. I wouldn’t have known where to start and thought it would have been a lot of work but Kim made it easy and I’m so happy we did it.”
“Thanks to your transcription and translations of the Drouin documents I requested, my Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) application was verified within a month - in record time - and I received the official Certificate in the mail a few weeks later.”
“My family has been working for years to establish our family history back to our aboriginal ancestors. We had many names and dates, as well as family stories of our ancestors and the lives they lived but little definite proof. It was maddening to do this ourselves. Kim was so methodical and organized. She was able to establish our family line back to a Mi’kmaq community in Nova Scotia. Along the way we learned of craftswomen, fishermen, and a midwife who assisted with countless births on the north coast of Newfoundland!
Kim is totally passionate about genealogy. Combined with her keen intellect and organizational skills, she really was able to help my family and I.”
“I had the pleasure of working with Kim on my mother’s Ukrainian side of the family. We have a strong European lineage which is hard to navigate. Kim was able to take the documents I was lucky enough to have and make sense of them, as well as digging way beyond. She prepared a very clear concise document full of interesting information that I am looking forward to sharing with my 88-year-old Mom and other members of my family.
I would not hesitate in recommending Kim to explore your ancestry.”
“The French-Canadian Genealogist provided me with information that no other sources could give me in an extremely timely manner. Kim’s research included an in-depth report on my family members dating back to the early 1600s. It also included all supporting documents: baptisms, marriages and burials. I highly recommend using her services if you’re looking to discover your family roots.”
“The services I received from Kim were done VERY quickly and most professionally executed. I had sent the document I wanted translated to another ‘internationally famous’ transcription/translation service at the same time I sent it to her. I just got it back today and it pales in comparison to the fluidity and presentation of Kim’s work. I would highly recommend The French-Canadian Genealogist for transcriptions, translations, and family research. Merci!”
“For me, it all started with a trip to Scotland with my son and taking a picture of him standing outside the home where my Grandfather grew up in Leith, the port area in the City of Edinburgh. I have known Kim for many years as a highly-competent colleague but when she decided to start The French-Canadian Genealogist, it was a trigger that got me thinking more about my ancestry. Kim’s educational background (genealogy) and ability to both swiftly and thoroughly navigate the research around my family history, has provided me with countless answers and yet more questions on certain fascinating historical figures in my family, both in Scotland and the United States. I would highly recommend Kim to help unlock the central figures from your past who in many cases helped influence where we live and who we are.”
“Dear Kim: Thank you so much for the 22-page report, nay, book, you sent me on my Guenet line. I know only a descendant and genealogist would be as excited to read it as I was, but it was exciting reading. You did a GREAT job. I can’t wait to have you work on my other French-Canadian brick wall. I have gotten to the age when hiring a professional is more efficient than beating my head against that wall. Thank you, again, for a job well done. ”
“I contacted Kim regarding a marriage document that I needed transcribed and translated. She was very helpful and I could tell right away that she was knowledgeable and passionate about her work. It was done promptly and for a very reasonable price. The report was clear and concise—giving me both the French and English versions. It was very helpful in filling in some of the blanks for my genealogical research. Kim will definitely be my go-to person for learning more about my French-Canadian ancestors. Thank you!”
“I engaged Kim Kujawski (The French-Canadian Genealogist) to prepare my family history. Both my maternal and paternal lines have European roots and Kim was able to trace my ancestors back to the late 1600s, all the while providing very interesting personal information and related cultural background. I elected to produce the final version in a book form so that I could gift copies to all of my close relatives and I am thrilled with the final product.
Kim is a real professional and a pleasure to work with. I am a neophyte in the world of genealogy and Kim provided thoughtful and practical advice throughout the research and production process. I am very pleased to recommend Kim to anyone who is looking to explore their family history.”