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Le Registrateur | The Registrar
The registrateur, or registrar, kept a register where various acts of a civil or legal nature were inscribed and recorded. He was the public gardian of registers. A register is a booklet, book, or directory of private or public nature intended to list facts, names or figures which should be recorded or remembered, or to attest to their exactitude.
Today, this occupation is called a registraire.
"A marriage by registrar", 1902 drawing by William Henry Boucher, Library of Congress,
Known persons who had this occupation:
Charles Alleyn, Louis-M. Blondin, Olivier-Félix Campeau, Alphonse Dumais, Ferdinand Filteau, Narcisse-Charles Fortier, Richard-Achille Fortier, A. Getton de Saint-George, W. A. Hale, John Heath, Pierre-Jean de Sales Laterrière, Jean-Moïse Lefebvre, Louis-Célestin Lefrançois, Roger Lelièvre, Joseph-David Lépine, Élie Mailloux, Homère Martineau, A. Michaud, Charles-Nathaniel Montizambert, Joseph Nault, Jean Baptiste Prévost, Charles J. A. Rémillard, Anderson Richardson, Élie Rinfret, Barthélémy Rocher, Joseph-P. Roy, Auguste-Guillaume Ruel, George Herman Ryland
Source: “Registre”, Portail lexique du Centre national de ressources textuelles et lexicales,