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Le Sacristain | The Sacristan
Dominican sacristan ("Fray Tomates", 1860 watercolour painting by Pancho Fierro, Wikimedia Commons).
The sacristain, or sacristan, was in charge of the sacristy, the church, and their contents. He welcomed parishioners, prepared liturgical celebrations and ensured that ceremonies went smoothly. As the name implies, the sacristan took care of the sacristy, where everything that was required for liturgical functions was kept: ornaments, sacred vessels, books, etc.
A sacristan could be secular or religious. He worked with the beadle, who was responsible for the interior and exterior maintenance of the church.
Known persons who had this occupation: Jean Besson/Bisson, Joachim Desmoliers, Pierre Ondalfond dit Saint-Martin, Philippe Vinet dit Parisien
Source: Alfred Franklin, Dictionnaire historique des arts, métiers et professions exercés dans Paris depuis le treizième siècle (Paris, H. Welter, 1906), 625.